viernes, 2 de abril de 2010

Deer on stamps

Apartado de Correos 4567
San Diego 2006-A
Estado Carabobo, VENEZUELA

Dear philatelist, I am interested in post stamps as thematic "Deer".

The genteel deer of elegant branchy horns: complete sets (mint) and all material for the development of the thematic (mint stamps, stamps with deer on covers "R" and marks with deer as topic; marks of post offices on cities called: Buck, Caribou, Cerf, Cérvol, Deer, Élan, Elnias, Hert, Hirsch, Hjorte, Jelen, Mazatl, Moose, Peura, Reno, Venado... Natural places of deer´s localization, habits (food...) and relationship with the man (deer in human history), etc.; deer on coins, banknotes, phone cards, etc.

Not "un-circulated" FDCs, please (NO "to protect" the envelopes with transparent material; because I need the reception Venezuelan postal marks on the same covers). If it is possible I thank to use stamps with deer on your covers for me (non antelopes neither goats).

"I DO NOT BUY STAMPS" (I prefer free exchange). I sometimes will send you "GIFTS", when I will have items per your themes; but "NO TRADES PLEASE".

Happy collecting!

1 comentario:

María Lorena dijo...

en chile exise el pudú, que es como un ciervo pequeño.